Anatomy of the Breast
How well do you really know your breasts? You’re probably familiar with the nipple and areola, but breasts also consist of fat, connective tissue, lobes, lymph nodes and more. If yours will be covered in turtlenecks, jackets and scarves for months to come, there’s no better time than now to learn how they function on the inside as well as look on the outside.
Clinic Sofia Partners with New River Medical Center
Clinic Sofia patients now have even more options when it comes to health care: Clinic Sofia and New River Medical Center recently partnered to bring gynecological services and specialized care for women in the Monticello community. Appointments begin Oct. 26. Clinic Sofia will also provide both gynecological and obstetrical services at the New River Medical […]
Learning to Really Listen
It’s pretty easy to tell when someone is truly listening to you and when they’re just mindlessly nodding their head, throwing in an occasional “mm, hmm” and eagerly waiting for their chance to talk. That’s why learning to listen – to really listen – is a powerful life skill.
Sunscreen, Sun Exposure and Vitamin D
Find the best balance between sunscreen and sun exposure.