Lower Your Risk for Breast Cancer
While you can’t alter your genetics, your age and the simple fact that you’re a woman, there are many risk factors for breast factor that you can influence with a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits. During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Clinic Sofia shares five steps to being your healthiest self. “These tips may sound familiar, but these are some of the key areas we advise our patients on where we as women can positively influence our health,” said Dr. Kellie Stecher. —Don’t smoke: Smoking is linked to increased risk of breast cancer in women of all ages in addition to other types of cancer. Likewise, not smoking enhances your overall health and wellness in myriad ways.
—Maintain a healthy weight: Women carrying excess weight have a higher risk of receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, particularly after menopause. Eating well, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight can all contribute to better health and breast cancer prevention. Being overweight also increases the chance of breast cancer recurring. —Move your body: If you exercise at a moderate to intense pace at least three days a week, you will lower your risk for breast cancer while getting a nice boost of energy and self-confidence along the way. Of course, this also supports healthy weight and other positive habits. —Limit alcohol: Try to limit consumption to one drink a day at most, since the more you drink, the more your risk of developing breast cancer. —Breastfeed: If you are expecting, breastfeeding (the longer, the better) can also help reduce your risk of breast cancer.