Crimson Kits COVID-19 Edition
11.17.2020For the past three years, Clinic Sofia has hosted the Crimson Kit Collection Drive to gather period products for area women experiencing homelessness or displacement due to domestic violence. Due to COVID-19, we have to switch things up this year. While we won’t be accepting product donations at our clinic locations, we have created a Go Fund Me page to collect financial contributions that will go to support Haven Housing—a wonderful local organization that provides women in crisis or transition with housing and resources to put them on the path to independence, stability and wellness. We hope you will check it out and consider making a donation if you can. Thank you for your support. Learn more here.
Dr. Stevens talks with with Bustle about breast self-exams
10.20.2020Dr. Erin Stevens recently spoke with Bustle, an online magazine, for an article that explores breast self-exams and why they aren't actually recommended anymore. “Unfortunately, breast self-exams haven’t been shown to be particularly helpful — with no change in breast cancer survival rates — and may be harmful,” she says. The article goes on to talk about how the thinking on self-exams has evolved and the importance of breast self-awareness. Dr. Stevens says, “instead of promoting this really intensive examination regimen, it's better to simply try to be in tune with your own body, having a general idea on the baseline look and feel of your breasts. It's not uncommon for people to have breasts that are ‘lumpy-bumpy,’ unequal in size, or changing in texture through various times of the month.” Read the complete article here.
An Update to Our Visitor Policy
09.23.2020As Clinic Sofia remains committed to providing the safest environment possible for staff and patients, we also acknowledge that the restrictions on visitors have been challenging for some of our pregnant and post-partum patients. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we will now allow visitors to some appointments as specified below. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have.
Visitor policy updates:
One support person over the age of 18 is permitted to attend the following visit types: a) 1st trimester ultrasound appointments and b) 20-week (Complete) ultrasound appointment. For post-partum appointments (up to 6-weeks post-partum), patients are permitted to bring their infant if childcare cannot be arranged. For all other appointments, Clinic Sofia still requires that patients come alone to their visits. This includes no children, including infants. We normally have video restrictions during exams and ultrasounds, but we are lifting this restriction if you would like to Facetime/Videoconference your partner during your appointment.When you arrive at the clinic:
For patients with appointments at our Edina location, your support person may enter the clinic at the same time as you. For patients with appointments at our Maple Grove location, due to the size of our waiting room, please enter the clinic like normal to check in for your appointment, but have your support person wait in the car until your name is called by our Medical Assistant. At that time, please call your support person to enter the clinic to accompany you to your visit.Read Jennifer Knapp's Recent Article on Mental Health
09.22.2020There is a lot happening the world today so it’s no wonder many of us are experiencing increased anxiety, stress and depression. Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Knapp recently contributed a column to Minnesota Parent about the importance of paying attention to our mental health during these challenging times. You can check it out in the current issue of the magazine on newsstands now or via this link.
Update on Upcoming Appointments
06.23.2020At Clinic Sofia, we are closely monitoring ongoing developments related to COVID-19, and we take the safety and well-being of our patients and employees very seriously. The following information will help you prepare for your next visit to the clinic. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we are asking patients experiencing any of the common flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to reschedule appointments. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, please call us to reschedule your appointment or speak with a nurse:
Questions you will be asked:
- 1. Have you or a person near you had a fever in the last 24 hours?
- 2. Have you had any respiratory or flulike symptoms (cough, body aches, sore throat) in the last 24 hours?
- 3. Have you traveled on an airplane, bus or train in the last 14 days?
- 4. Have you or anyone near you recently been tested for any respiratory infections including CoVid-19?
- 5. Have you gathered in a large group in the last 14 days? (If yes, please consider if proper social distancing and masking was followed at the gathering before deciding to come to your appointment)
Your safety is our priority.
We continue taking extra precautions to provide the safest environment possible for our patients and staff. We require patients come alone to their visits. This includes no children, including infants. Our typical video restrictions during exams and ultrasounds have been lifted if you would like to Facetime/videoconference with your partner during your appointment. In addition, all patients are required to wear a mask both to and during appointments based upon current guidelines from the CDC. Make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth and stays in place without needing frequent adjustment. Surgical masks and N95s have a built-in structure to pinch over the bridge of your nose - this helps keep it in place and improves the seal. If you do need to adjust your mask occasionally, do so by carefully moving the straps or the sides of the mask as close to the straps as possible. Please wear a mask properly throughout your visit, optimally from the time you leave your car to the time you return to it.Our approach to sanitation and cleaning.
Clinic Sofia is taking extreme measures for our sanitation and cleaning process to provide the best care for our patients. All staff who interact with patients are wearing masks. We have placed a plexiglass barrier at our front desk for your assurance. We have removed all toys, magazines and chocolate from our waiting room. We are allowing non-clinical staff to work from home. We have introduced a bleach cleaning and sanitizing process that includes regular wipedowns of all surfaces, bathrooms, chairs, door handles, exam tables, clipboards, pens, etc. We remain seated when possible to minimize foot traffic. We perform additional screening at our front desk. Our ultimate goal is to provide reassurance that our clinic is safe to enter.Visiting our Edina office.
If you are visiting our Edina location and would like to take the most direct route to our clinic, park in the back parking lot and come up the back elevator to the 4th floor. The building has installed hand sanitizer dispensers outside of each elevator, and our suite door is propped for minimal door handle touching.Virtual visits are still underway.
We continue to offer virtual visits with our providers! If you are not comfortable coming into the office or find them more convenient, you are welcome to switch your visit to a virtual appointment. Please give us a call for more information.Minnesota Parent Features Dr. Clay's Birth Story
04.01.2020It's been a little over a year since Dr. David Clay and his wife Nicole welcomed their son Aaron into the world. Dr. Clay recently shared "a father's birth story" with Minnesota Parent magazine. In addition to recapping the birth of his son from his own perspective as a father and an OBGYN doctor, he also discusses how life has changed in the year since he became a dad. You can find Dr. Clay's column the April issue of the magazine or read it here.