Treating painful sex
According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, about one-third of women report having pain during sex, which can include discomfort in the vaginal or pelvic muscles, external genitals, bladders or tailbone, however, only about 25 percent will actually talk to their doctor about this issue.
Permanent Sterilization
Permanent sterilization can happen in several ways depending on your needs. Essure, laparoscopic tubal ligation, and vasectomy (for males) are some forms of sterilization.
Getting Your First Mammogram
Let’s face it: Few women are excited about having their first mammogram (or even their second, third or tenth one). However, for most women, a mammogram, or X-ray of the breast, is the best way to detect breast cancer as early as possible, since it can detect lumps so small that they can’t be felt.
Ask Sofia: Low Libido and Vaginal Dryness
At some point, most women have faced a health issue that they don’t feel comfortable discussing with friends or even doctors. They might be embarrassed or just unsure if it’s something that can even be treated. Read on for information that can help you feel confident to discuss issues with your caregiver.
What Exactly is Endometriosis?
While some women have symptom-free endometriosis, where the tissue lining the inside of the uterus grows outside of the uterus, most women struggle with pain – painful periods, pain in the low back, pain during or after sex and/or pain during bowel movements or urination. The pain is caused by the tissue growing outside of the uterus but still acting as it would normally, breaking down and bleeding during your monthly cycle yet lacking a way to leave the body; the endometrial tissue can eventually create cysts or scar tissue.
Ask Sofia: How Do I Know if I Have Vaginitis?
Vaginitis is a broad term that refers to an infection or inflammation of the vagina. If you’re experiencing itching, burning during urination, discharge with unusual odor or discomfort during sex, you may have vaginitis. Yeast infections, for example, are one type of vaginitis. The causes of vaginitis vary, including an imbalance in vaginal bacteria, a viral infection, reduced estrogen levels after menopause, irritation from lotions or clothing, sexual contact or another type of infection.