Cervical Health Awareness Month
Vaccinations and screenings are essential tools in the fight against cervical cancer, a cancer that starts in the cells of the cervix and is typically caused by an HPV-linked infection. HPV or human papillomavirus is a common virus transmitted through sexual contact—in fact, most sexually active people will contract at least one of the many strains of HPV.
Chronic yeast infections
While most women experience at least one yeast infection—characterized by itching, swelling, discharge and vaginal pain—in their lifetime, about eight percent of women face four or more a year. These chronic yeast infections occur when the normal balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina is altered. They can be caused by a variety of factors such as antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, genetics, sexual activity and wearing wet clothing. Sometimes, the cause is unknown.
August is National Immunization Month
Each August, National Immunization Month reminds that vaccinations are not just for kids. Vaccinations can help prevent dangerous and deadly diseases, and back-to-school physicals offer an opportunity to ensure your family is up-to-date on immunizations.
MonaLisa Touch Testimonial
It’s been approximately one year since Clinic Sofia began to offer the MonaLisa Touch, a minimally invasive laser procedure that helps women improve their vaginal health. The non-surgical treatment, completed at our Edina office, help women who struggle with issues like urine leakage or vaginal dryness. We have had a tremendous response from patients who have completed the treatments and report positive results, from helping with incontinence to increased sexual pleasure.
Ask Sofia: Do I need vaginal rejuvenation?
We have had a wealth of great discussions with many of you over the past month about vaginal health — what this means and how to achieve it. Ever since Clinic Sofia added the MonaLisa Touch® to our list of services, and with actress Jada Pinkett Smith sharing her story about her own vaginal rejuvenation, many of you may be wondering if this non-surgical treatment is a good option for you.
Clinic Sofia Introduces MonaLisa Touch
Women who suffer from vaginal discomfort due to pregnancy or childbirth as well as menopause and breast cancer now have a treatment option available at Clinic Sofia. The MonaLisa Touch, a minimally invasive laser treatment, is a non-surgical way to help women achieve optimal vaginal health and combat vaginal atrophy with no side effects, pain or down time. It can reduce incontinence, increase sexual pleasure and enhance quality of life.